Wednesday, May 30, 2007



Our company is Japanese-owned. So you guessed it, we need to study the language.

There are certain merits in having a high proficiency in it.

You get to speak your mind in their tongue.

The responsibilities are greater.

The 'respect' is higher. (Meron ba?!)

And the allowance is bigger. Yup, we have an allowance. Our company has these tiers or rather levels in determining our proficiency. Before, it was pass or fail 4 certain levels of examinations as administered by the Japan Foundation (The Japanese Language Proficiency Test or JLPT). Now, we have sublevels. You may not have passed the exam, but if you attain this certain score, you have reached so and so level. Yup, it was like that.

Then we had another proficiency-administering body, coz the freakin' JLPT just comes out once a year! Which is ok, come to think of it.

Now, I reached this certain level which I have to redo, coz my friggin' allowance period's almost up! Help me! I don't want to get the lower level's allowance! I'm quite happy with my allowance now, thank you very much!

So study study study for little ol' me.
No more blog blog blog for the meantime...

Dekiru ka naa?!


Unknown said...

ei, if you want to review your kanji. check this site.

that's for Japanese Language Proficiency Test (4 kyuu) level 4.

Unknown said...

okay yang site, click mo yung review tab. try mo din yung test.
by the way, may programmer trainee position where you work? currently looking for a job. advantage ba nihonggo?

st1ng3r said...

thanks for your comments, yeye.

every little thing helps, so thanks too for the site. please pray for me when i take the 2kyuu exams in December. ;)

unfortunately, our company is not hiring now. do drop me a line by october, i'm sure meron na by that time.

its a plus if you have a background in nihongo, position and salary wise. but even if you have 0 knowledge, there will be a class naman from level 4 to 3 (6months) for the freshmen. plus the company sponsors classes pa for intermediate level 3 and level 2 classes in both alabang and yokohama offices for the regular employees.