Saturday, June 09, 2007


Holy awkward, Batman!

Today was really uncomfortable.

I met the person I was referring to in my previous post today at the gym. As much as I tried to be civil, it still made me feel uncomfortable being around M. I just stayed at the other side of the pool, so to speak. To make things more uncomfortable, we had lunch together, with some other friends, of course.

I am not used to being like this. To me, if ever I get angry, pissed or irritated with something, it doesn't usually last long. I'll have an outburst (non-violent variety), a moment away or just time to think & recollect and it's over. I'm over it na.

As much as I want to start conversing with M immediately, I think M needs to be ready to open up first. When that'll be, I don't know. Only M can tell.

I sure hope it'll be sooner than later.

1 comment:

Mrs P said...

cno si M?